

Drive readiness for future platform demands.



Teams tackling Modernization initiatives must assess the readiness of the industrial base to support the anticipated demands of new platforms. Ark enables these assessments by pinpointing available raw materials, identifying workforce gaps, and highlighting emerging technologies.

Industrial Base Readiness & Capacity

Evaluate manufacturing infrastructure and workforce to meet future modernization goals.

Ark platform screenshot of hypersonics Government Entities Contract Award Dollars Trend graph
Ark platform screenshot of Supply Chain Provenance scatter plot chart

Raw Materials Supply

Assess availability of raw materials for specific parts or technologies to make better planning decisions.

Program Overlap Alerts

Reveal cross-program parts and vendor connections to mitigate systemic risks.

Ark platform screenshot of Top WSDCs Weapon Systems table


Technology Market Analysis
Vendor Footprint Analysis
Workforce Analysis


NUC matters - logo
U.S Department of Energy - logo
Program executive office aviation - logo
PEO IWS - logo



The office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters sought a way to mitigate the impacts of a constrained workforce and shrinking industrial base on vital nuclear modernization programs.


The office drew on Ark to develop a Risk Management Framework for the Nuclear Enterprise, identifying industrial base risks and opportunities and forecasting the contractor workforce in key regions for the coming decade.


Ark's workforce analysis has informed schedule feasibility assessments, helping modernization programs meet cost and schedule metrics. Its insights on the industrial base have enabled leadership to instantly identify alternative supplier capacity for vital nuclear technologies, ensuring the continued credibility of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.