DoD Decision Science Taxonomy

Decision Science

The United States confronts an existential threat to its security and to the U.S.-led world order. Military advantage relative to China cannot be achieved by simply outspending it. Moreover, China has the talent, infrastructure, and resources to compete on an even playing field in the realm of technological innovation, development, and application.

To compete effectively with China, the United States must start by making better, faster decisions. Decision Science is required for leaders to gain visibility into the entirety of the decision space and is underpinned by a series of emerging technologies requisite for achieving decision advantage.

This analysis address four fundamental questions:

  • What are the critical Decision Science technologies necessary to counter China’s ambitions of a new world order?
  • What investments have been made by the U.S. Government in these critical technologies, from FY16-21?
  • Which companies and other institutions has the U.S. Government partnered with to develop and implement these technologies?
  • How successful has DoD been at partnering with VC/PE-backed companies on Decision Science technologies, vice working with traditional systems integrators?

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